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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog problem temporarily resolved!

I have a blog problem.  It’s the same problem I have when I journal, or when I think about calling someone I haven’t talked to in a long time.  I hate being absent, but I get overwhelmed at the prospect of filling in the gaps with a chunk of words revolving around my life that will remain interesting enough to someone other than myself.  Bear with me…

My good friend, Chandra, summed up a special event I want everyone to know about- a beautiful reunion with our dear college friends and their babies.  (How do you like my cheap attempt to get out of a blog I should have written, but slacked?)

Molli has, of course, been such a joy to us.  She leaves Myles and me astounded at the end of everyday and we are in awe of the remarkable strides she has been taking.  She is growing and maturing in every single way.  I seriously don’t even know where to begin. 

(She went to the beach!)

(She went on her first bike ride)

Motor skills:
Molli took her first few little, wobbly steps in Arizona, in July.  They were not graceful, and they still aren’t.  She is getting more and more brave, experimenting with stepping from one person to another, or wobbling on her feet from one piece of furniture to another.  I am proud of her when I glance over and see her standing in the middle of the living room after walking from the couch.  She knows no fear.

(This is so Molli)

She’s a climber.  It’s hilarious and terrifying.  The other day I set her down, noticed that she was crawling toward the bedroom doorway (which was blocked off with a gate).  Literally 2 seconds later I looked and she was somehow up at the top of the baby gate, just about to tip over and probably crack her head open on the wood floor awaiting her.  My little Humpty Dumpty! Agh!  I caught her just in time and true to her stubborn nature, she continued this attempt several times until I removed the gate and closed the door.  Sheesh. 

(One of many attempts to get over the gate)

We are learning that our pre-toddler is not ready to express manners, but she does express love.  When prompted, she will make kissy sounds/kissy faces and will occasionally come in for a wet one.  She hasn’t mastered keeping the pucker going and sometimes will just open her mouth or stick her tongue out.  Last night I suggested she give her baby-doll a hug after I put her jimmies on, and I was surprised that she reached out and did it!  Since then, I’ve been making her hug everything.  She’ll hold it, put her head on it and pat it with her hand.  It’s just so sweet.

(Sweet kisses)

(wet kisses)

Her communication skills are also really advancing lately!  We have been using a couple of signs with her (more, please, all-done, thank you) and she has caught on to more and all-done.  She does her own little versions of these signs, but it’s so cute to know that she is communicating her wants with us. 

Her receptive communication has been taking off.  She will point to a couple body parts and will almost always stick out her tongue when you ask where it is.  She can follow, well, understand, basic directions. 
“Please put that down.”
“Give it to Mommy, please.”
“Please sit down.”
“Sit down.”
“Molli, we sit in the bathtub.”
“Not in your mouth, please.”
“Can I have it?”
“Have a seat.”
…you get the point.

She is also exploring animal sounds.  She has been making “doggie sounds” for a couple months, but now she’s trying to do more.  She sometimes does a bear (her growly sound) and now a kitty cat.  The kitty sound cracks me up though because it’s not an actual “meow,” instead, it’s a high-pitched “maaaaaaam.”  So cute =)

Her problem solving skills are really fun to watch.  She knows now, how to search it out when something is hidden and how to hide/be silent when she is being sneaky. She knows how her toys work and looks for the pieces to make it work right.  She can’t do her puzzles correctly, but she knows that the pieces somehow work to make the puzzle and she bangs the pieces onto the board. 

So there you go.  Many of the facets of miss Molli’s life all squished into one post.  I also would like to point out that the entire time I wrote this, she has been napping.  I also ate lunch and worked a teeny bit on a craft project beforehand.  Can I get a hallelujah?! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Visiting the Sansotta’s house always leaves us feeling very full.  Being an Italian family, there is always more than enough food, and being doting grandparents, there is an equally abundant amount of love.  We are a very blessed family, and I am so happy to be here with Molli’s Papu and Nanette.  What’s one more week of us being spoiled with extra calories and Molli being spoiled with heaps of attention?! 

Marc is so cute with our little one.  He is enthralled with every squawk, spastic arm motion, and silly expression.  Despite constant back pain, he is on the floor, right there with her.  He holds her at every opportunity and makes it very clear that he would give her the world.  The pride he has in his granddaughter is incomparable.  He has no reservations in showing her off to strangers and friends alike, providing the vital details (including name, age in months and weeks, where she lives, and of course, how much he loves her).

Myles’ step-mom, Suzette, aka “Nanette,” has been really great with her too.  Not having babies of her own, she has become enamored with Molli.  She gets excited over the little things and is so proud of her accomplishments.  Suzette is one of the most genuine people I know and it shows when she interacts with Molli.  Molli receives her undivided attention as she shows Molli how a particular toy works and expresses her excitement when she figures things out. 

We are so full.  Full of burgers, chips and dip, and cheesecake.  Full of love.  This family is generous with love and it’s fun to reap the benefits! 

To top today off, our dear friends from college came over with their 17 month old son tonight.  Between Cooper and Molli, this house was filled to the roof with personality!  They were so fun!  I think it’s so important to expose Molli to other children and I am convinced that she has learned a lot of social skills, even at this young age, just from being with a handful of other kids.  We witnessed sharing, poking, laughing, hitting and squealing.  All in all, they did well together!  Chandra and Andrew, thank you for spending your evening with us!  It’s so good to see you!