As if I don’t talk enough about how big my little girl is getting, let’s recap.
By her first birthday Molli has:
Learned to roll...
This is where she learned to roll
and walk!
Mastered solids...
and the sippy cup
Been on 19 different airplanes
(Before first airplane)
Been to 8 different states (Illinois, Indiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Idaho, Alaska, Florida, Arizona)
Got her ears pierced
Learned several words, or at least her own versions of them (Hi, bye-bye, ball, Mom, Dad, dog, Papa, baby, book, more)
Learned to sign a few words (please, more, thank you and all done)
Gives hugs and kisses
Knows, more or less, what a dog, kitty-cat, cow and bear say.
Cut 12 teeth
(Two of the first!!)
Never been sick…
(Poor first time sickie)
…that is, until now. My poor sweetie has her first cold, and upon an afternoon visit to the doctor, also has her first ear infection.
(At the doctors office)
She has had a rough past few days. Her naps are limited and restless, her hand keeps finding its way to her ear and yanking on it and her nose keeps filling and emptying disgusting mucus. It’s outrageous the amount of snot that little nose can produce! I’ve been torturing her on a regular basis with the nose sucker. If noting else, maybe this experience will help her become less reliant on her pacifier since she can’t very well suck on it and breathe at the same time. The doctor prescribed Amoxicillin (YUM) so we’ll go get that soon and hopefully she’ll be feeling like her old self again soon!
She is such a sweet, fun, happy girl (just like you)! I love her!