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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Looks like Mom and Dad left just in time to avoid the screaming that miss Molli has discovered she can do.  She has been quite vocal about her demands the past couple of days...and nights.  It's a mystery how something so sweet and adorable can make such awful noises!  What used to be squawks has become something much louder, longer and more difficult to make stop.  She's still our sweet angel, but man oh man can she wail when she wants to!  How can this beautiful face ever be upset?!

We went for a nice long walk today with my friend Becky and her 6 month old.  The weather and company were both wonderful!  It's always nice to get out, plus a little exercise can't hurt!  Unfortunately my walk included wearing real shoes, which isn't a problem normally, however, I currently have some sort of an infection situation with my big toe leftover from a crummy pedicure over a month ago.  Now my toe is sore.  It was worth it though. Hopefully my doctors appointment will clear things up on Friday and shoes will no longer be an issue!

Now we're just hanging out, working on keeping Molli content, eating leftovers and watching Arrested Development.  It's been a good day =)
(check out her big belly!)

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